Happy Halloween!

 Hello Families!

We had a fun day celebrating Halloween and engaged in a variety of holiday themed tasks over the week! The students were so very excited to share their costumes and their plans for the weekend! Students created haunted houses using shapes, graphed the shapes and then answered data related questions.  We also began painting monsters/creatures by using a "blowing paint" technique.  In Math,  we read "There was on Old Lady who Swallowed a Bat" and then the students created their own "growing pattern math story" by drawing a variety of other spooky creatures the old lady could swallow following a specific pattern rule.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!  I look forward to seeing the students on Monday!

October 22nd

Hello Families!

It is hard to believe that we are closing in on the end of October!  We are looking forward to our Halloween dress up next week.  Students will be able to celebrate by wearing a costume on Friday October 29th.  Please ensure your child is wearing an age appropriate costume.  No weapons, masks or costumes that portray violence please.  We are also planning a community walk sometime next week, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

This week:

I enjoyed colouring on the construction wall- Sasha

I liked making the "Who Am I?" cards for Science, my favourite is the bird- Niyousha

I enjoyed the representing numbers for homework- Affan

In art we used shapes: triangles, trapezoids and squares to make art- Hailen

I liked working on the Social Studies brochure about India- Abigail

I had fun in adventure running- Adeola

I liked tracing shapes to make a haunted house- Aaradhya

I liked putting shapes together to make a beautiful picture that included using primary colours- Eusebiu

I had fun colouring my haunted house- Yaseen

I enjoyed the technology option this week- Feras

I enjoyed my art option and adventure running at the park- Aarav

I made "who am I" cards for birds, mammal, reptiles, amphibians and fish- Makar

I enjoyed the literacy centre where we played a game about nouns- Zia

I liked colouring the cover for my super power book- Diti

I liked graphing the shapes for my art, the most popular shape in my art was the quadrilateral- Hana

I learned about summaries, we summarize by stating the somebody, wanted, but, so, then- Mahi

I liked writing the sixth sense paragraph about going to the movies- Sasha-

October 1st


Thoughts from the class:

I loved when described what we see in art, we were reflecting- Lydia

I enjoyed painting the feathers- Abgail

I liked learning about the 6 different groups of animals: mammals, insects, birds, fish and now we are learning about amphibians- Vedhang

I enjoyed reflecting on art because we got to think deeply about it and re-draw the picture- Prudhvi

I enjoyed making the tripe scoop word ice cream cones.  "Triple scoop" is when you turn a boring word into an interesting word- Adeola

The adjective story was fun because we got to write a funny story- Diti

I enjoyed picture day because I got take a picture with my class outside - Eusebiu

I learned that some kids were taken from their parents, which made them sad.  This is why we wear orange on "Orange Shirt Day"- Zia

I liked making growing patterns- Feras

I enjoyed Teacher's Pet and learning about other countries- Yaseen

The feather art helped me represent "Orange Shirt Day" and recognize the children who died at residential schools- Aaradhya

I loved that we wore orange shirts for Orange Shirt Day to say sorry to those who went to residential schools- Yug