Thoughts from the class:
I loved when described what we see in art, we were reflecting- Lydia
I enjoyed painting the feathers- Abgail
I liked learning about the 6 different groups of animals: mammals, insects, birds, fish and now we are learning about amphibians- Vedhang
I enjoyed reflecting on art because we got to think deeply about it and re-draw the picture- Prudhvi
I enjoyed making the tripe scoop word ice cream cones. "Triple scoop" is when you turn a boring word into an interesting word- Adeola
The adjective story was fun because we got to write a funny story- Diti
I enjoyed picture day because I got take a picture with my class outside - Eusebiu
I learned that some kids were taken from their parents, which made them sad. This is why we wear orange on "Orange Shirt Day"- Zia
I liked making growing patterns- Feras
I enjoyed Teacher's Pet and learning about other countries- Yaseen
The feather art helped me represent "Orange Shirt Day" and recognize the children who died at residential schools- Aaradhya
I loved that we wore orange shirts for Orange Shirt Day to say sorry to those who went to residential schools- Yug